As I look forward to this upcoming Sunday, I am reminded of these encouraging words written in 1 Peter 1:3-5:
"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His abundant mercy has begotten us again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled and that does not fade away, reserved in heaven for you, who are kept by the power of God through faith for salvation ready to be revealed in the last time."
Peter reminds these believers of some foundational blessings and promises we have in Christ. He starts with Christ's abundant mercy. Mercy that was demonstrated on the cross and continues in our daily walk with Him. Mercy that is made possible through the ressurection of Christ, which gives us a "living hope." What is that living hope? That we have an inheritance that can never be taken away from us! We have the hope and the promise of a future with Christ in Heaven forever. That hope is something that the world cannot touch. That hope is something that death itself cannot take away. It is reserved for us by the power of God Himself!
A few years ago I made and appointment to get my haircut. It was a busy weekend, so I called ahead of time to make sure I could get in. They told me it wouldn't be a problem, they took my information and gave me a time for my reserved appointment. When I arrived at the salon, I checked in at the front desk to let them know I was there. I was told to sit down and someone would be right with me. For over an hour I waited as
many patrons came in and out, some with and others without appointments, and all of them were taken before me. After an hour my patience was worn, so I went up to the front desk and firmly asked why I hadn't been taken back. They said they overlooked my name on the reservation list and apologized profusely. I expressed my disappointment and left without getting my haircut. To this day I refuse to go back to that particular barber!
Now what does my missed haircut reservation have to do with this!? It puts into perspective the blessing of living for a God ... who keeps His appointments. When God says He has reserved it for us ... it's a done deal. We never have to wonder if our name is on the "list" or if we have been overlooked. The incorruptible, undefiled, unfading inheritance that we have through the mercy of Christ given through His death and ressurection; is 100% guaranteed.
As I begin a new chapter in my ministry at our church, I am faced with many unknowns. I am faced with uncertainties, doubts in my ability, stress, and many other questioning emotions. But despite all of that, I rest assured in the confidence of what I do have with Christ. I have a present hope of a future home with my Savior for all eternity ... and there is no question in my mind about that!
-Pastor Johnson
July 24th, 2022